Jamie Lee Tokubo, L.Ac

It is Jamie's vision to bring forth the very best diagnostic tools and treatment modalities from both Eastern and Western Medicine to the healing process of her patients. In consideration of their concerns, she works with her patients to design a protocol that best treats the why or the root of what is causing the disharmony in their health, whether physiological, physical, emotional, mental, and or spiritual. Jamie states, “When we treat the root of the problem or disharmony within the total body, we are successful in resolving the multitude of symptoms that cause its imbalance, and thus, create a balanced system within harmony.”
By nature Jamie is a minimalist in her treatment approach, in that she desires to create a platform for each and every patient that is sustainable, both pocket-book friendly as well as truly targeted to her patient’s essential needs. Not only does she practice acupuncture and Chinese medicine, she also relies on her background in physical therapy and functional medicine to provide treatment. As needed, she will order and incorporate laboratory tests, read and interpret imaging scans, and work side by side with western medical doctors to enhance patient wellness. She also creates a personalized home self-care system that may consist of Eastern and Western herbal medicine, supplements, aromatherapy, and possibly holistic dietary recommendations, depending upon the concern at hand.
With a variety of work experiences in spa, health club, physical rehabilitation, resort, hospital, and private practice settings. She believes that all of these entities should be as one in the mindfulness of the quiet setting of the location as a place for true healing. She provides a one-of- a kind-integrative setting in which patients can relax and experience their treatments as a true transformation from the inside out into wellness.
In the San Francisco Bay Area, she was the founder and sole owner of a ten-year practice named Tokubo Acupuncture located on the lovely Alameda Island. She created a true family practice as her passion for working with women and children of all ages earned her the reputation as the neighborhood “doc.” If not their own pregnancy issues, moms would bring in kids that needed to be checked for scrapes or falls, whatever; you name it, she saw it.
Jamie received a Masters of Oriental Medicine at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and graduated at the top of her class of 2005. She studied abroad in Chengdu, one of the oldest teaching hospitals in China, completing rounds in many departments including: gynecology, oncology, dermatology, diabetes, acupuncture, tui na (Chinese medical massage), and neurology. She has also studied in Japan and the United States with her sensei (teacher) Ikeda Masakazu, who taught her invaluable diagnostic techniques, including his famous Japanese style painless needling technique that has worked wonders with patients that are needle phobic. Jamie also trained under Elizabeth Wakefield who designed the constitutional facial rejuvenation program. Jamie trained and worked with Matt Callison, founder of Acusport and motor point treatment for orthopedic injuries. Jamie studied extensively with Dr. Hong Jin, Qili Ye, Debra Betts, Jane Lyttleton, Claudia Citkovitz, and Raven Lang, developing her breadth of experience in OBGYN, infertility, and pediatrics. This diversity in training as well as her specialization in treatment of women, children, hormone imbalances, and orthopedic injuries is the cornerstone of Jamie’s practice.
Earlier, she earned a Bachelors of Science in kinesiology and exercise physiology with a minor in biology at Sonoma State University. She completed pre-med requirements specializing in sports medicine at Santa Rosa Junior College, where she received her Associates of Arts and Science. While in high school, she trained at the Calistoga Massage Therapy School to become a certified massage therapist.
Jamie is currently licensed in the state of California, as well as nationally to practice acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is completing her doctorate requirements at the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which she has specialized in women’s health and pain management.